Symbols Art Club is a new platform for Malaysian Indian artists to connect and allow to express themselves. The club's main members are optimistic that more will join the current number as more artists/ art lovers become aware of its existence. This association also believes that this club would enable many talented people to get together and share creative new ideas.

Sharmini Thangarajah

Sharmini Thangarajah is a full time accountant with more than 12 years of experience in the field. With these qualifications, the club could not have found a better treasurer. Having the flair and interest for art since school days, Sharmini decided to take her interest further and pursue art by joining art classes at Symbols Gallery two years ago. Sharmini sees the club as a meeting point of people with same interest, where experienced artists provide guidance. She also feels that art lovers should allocate time for art, at least once a week, to develop their passion in art. Her advice to art lovers: “Please don’t give up and don’t let your talent go to waste.”