Symbols Art Club is a new platform for Malaysian Indian artists to connect and allow to express themselves. The club's main members are optimistic that more will join the current number as more artists/ art lovers become aware of its existence. This association also believes that this club would enable many talented people to get together and share creative new ideas.


Let there be LIGHT
Acrylic on Canvas
61 cm x 91 cm
RM 1, 400

We seek god for many reasons and in many places. I see the giant light that welcomes everyone at the entrance of the caves as a beacon of hope.It might not be bright and shinny, it might not even be lit, yet it symbolizes light that dispels darkness. The foliage on the rock surface shows growth despite the rough surroundings.To me it is all about hope, faith and growth.

Marriage Maya
Acrylic on Canvas

61 cm x 61 cm

In a traditional Indian marriage ther
e are many rites and rituals with social and religious significance. Simple and easily available items which carry deep meaning were used to symbolize the union.As time goes by though, I feel these ceremonies are performed with less and less appreciation of its significance - with more pomp than meaning. Perhaps there are more fundamental issues to be concerned about…?Are the bonds, commitment and eternal bliss a mere maya?

Acrylic on Canvas
31 cm x 31 cm

Footprints are images we leave behind as we walk. Footprints on fossils provide evidence of our pre-historic existence on earth. Ironically, our continued existence on Earth depends on the footprints (impacts) we leave on our environment. Can Planet Earth sustain our lifestyle of ever increasing consumption that depletes resources and disrupts ecosystems? What footprints do we want to leave behind?